Tribute Signs
Make a tribute to a friend or loved one who is currently or has battled cancer, or simply to inspire the riders. Personalized signs with your custom design will be displayed along the ride route each year. Contact Laurie at peakstoconga@gmail.com with any questions.
TRIBUTE SIGN DETAILS: Each sign is 18x24" (landscape). Signs are place along the ride route at varying intervals. PROVIDE YOUR DESIGN DETAILS (see below) BY JUNE 5th.
If you purchased a Tribute sign please make sure to email pertinent information to codytreasuredmemories@gmail.com; including:
1. Your name, address and phone
2. Name of honoree or "inspirational only"
3. Will you design your sign or do you need our help?
4. A high-resolution photo-provide via email or bring to Treasured Memories (1280 Sheridan Avenue; Cody) to be scanned
5. Any other text, color, and other details (i.e. cancer ribbon) you want on your sign
6. Do you want us to reuse the sign each year or would you prefer to pick it up after the ride and keep it?
Submit all information to codytreasuredmemories@gmail.com or call them @ (307)587-4832. For further questions or issues call Laurie Stoelk @ (307)272-8766
*You can order your tribute sign through eventbrite using the button below. Once there, click on the "reserve a spot button". In the list of registration options, simply choose "tribute sign" and follow the prompts.